Click to insert title
Clear all
label label label label label label label

The tool opens to show a Venn diagram with two overlapping circles. This can be populated by dragging items from the dock underneath. The tabs within the dock allow you to choose the items to drag into the diagram. Any unwanted items on the diagram can be dragged into the bin. To remove all items from the Venn diagram, click the ‘Clear all’ button above the bin.

The diagram and the sets and subsets can be labelled by clicking on the word ‘label’ or ‘Click to insert title’.

Click on the pull-down menu at the bottom left to change from ‘2 circles overlap’ to a different arrangement of circles.

Clicking ‘Reset’ undoes any changes you have made and returns the tool to its default state.


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Clicking Reset means that any changes you have made will be lost. Is that OK?

Yes - Reset No - keep my changes


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